Halloween Night
Written By: J. Offenbach, From the Opera: "Boule de Neige"
Adapted By: Terry Kluytmans, Copyright © 1998 KIDiddles.com

When autumn comes
And the days of crisp October
Then comes a night
Weird things are seen;
Witches on broomsticks,
And glowing Jack-o'lanterns,
Peer through the windows --
Then boys and girls
Gather round the fire a-glowing,
Faces are painted
Bright blue and green
Apples are bobbing,
And gypsies telling fortunes,
Fun and myst'ry,
And the days of crisp October
Then comes a night
Weird things are seen;
Witches on broomsticks,
And glowing Jack-o'lanterns,
Peer through the windows --
Then boys and girls
Gather round the fire a-glowing,
Faces are painted
Bright blue and green
Apples are bobbing,
And gypsies telling fortunes,
Fun and myst'ry,