Here, Kitty, Kitty
Tune: Clementine
Written By: Unknown
Adapted By: Terry Kluytmans
Copyright © 1998

Late last summer, me and 'Lizbeth
Were a-sitting 'neath a tree
When she thought she saw a kitten,
She cried, "Kitty, come to me."
I thought Liz had Halitosis,
Then unconscious down I sunk,
Now I hope she'll know the diff'rence
'Tween a kitten and a skunk.
Were a-sitting 'neath a tree
When she thought she saw a kitten,
She cried, "Kitty, come to me."
I thought Liz had Halitosis,
Then unconscious down I sunk,
Now I hope she'll know the diff'rence
'Tween a kitten and a skunk.