Little Month of February
Words and Music By: Nina B. Hartford
Copyright Unknown

Little month of February,
You are filled with big events;
But we love you best because
You gave us two great Presidents.
Washington, our noble hero,
Lessons fine his life imparts;
First in war, then first in peace,
And always first within our hearts.
Lincoln, loved by all the nation,
What a wondrous man was he!
Undivided kept our land,
And set a grateful people free.
You are filled with big events;
But we love you best because
You gave us two great Presidents.
Washington, our noble hero,
Lessons fine his life imparts;
First in war, then first in peace,
And always first within our hearts.
Lincoln, loved by all the nation,
What a wondrous man was he!
Undivided kept our land,
And set a grateful people free.