Pretty Rainbow
Written By: Miriam Clark Potter
Folk Song
Adapted By: Terry Kluytmans
Copyright © 1998

Pretty rainbow,
Pretty rainbow
In the sky,
Are you spun of
Sunset colors,
Left to dry?
Did the fairy raindrops
Wash and hang you there,
Like a gown of garden flowers,
In the air?
Little children,
Little children,
It is true,
I am made of
Sunset colors,
Cloud and dew.
Mother Sun will dry me well,
For you can guess
I'm the little summer evening's
Best new dress!
Pretty rainbow
In the sky,
Are you spun of
Sunset colors,
Left to dry?
Did the fairy raindrops
Wash and hang you there,
Like a gown of garden flowers,
In the air?
Little children,
Little children,
It is true,
I am made of
Sunset colors,
Cloud and dew.
Mother Sun will dry me well,
For you can guess
I'm the little summer evening's
Best new dress!