When the North Wind's Blowing
Written By: Alfred S. Gatty
Adapted By: Terry Kluytmans
Copyright © 1999 KIDiddles.com

When the North Wind whistles and blows,
Cherry red is Baby's nose,
Very cold are Baby's toes,
When the North Wind's blowing,
When the North wind's blowing.
Logs upon the fire we'll throw,
For, as everybody must know,
We will have a fall of snow,
When the North Wind's blowing,
When the North Wind's blowing.
Cherry red is Baby's nose,
Very cold are Baby's toes,
When the North Wind's blowing,
When the North wind's blowing.
Logs upon the fire we'll throw,
For, as everybody must know,
We will have a fall of snow,
When the North Wind's blowing,
When the North Wind's blowing.