Water Clear, Water Bright
Words Adapted From the French of "Fortuné Henry"
Music By: Allyre Bureau
Further Adapted By: Terry Kluytmans
Copyright © 2000 KIDiddles.com

Water clear, water bright,
Is a friend that's worth the having;
Water clear, water bright,
Serves us all from morn 'til night.
Bubbling brooks and streams and rivers,
Springs and lakes and creeks and dams,
Feed the forest and the flowers,
And the grass spread o'er the land.
Water clear, water bright,
Is a friend that's worth the having;
Water clear, water bright,
Serves us all from morn 'til night.
Little raindrops, lightly falling,
Make the old earth new again;
And the dews of early morning
Soothe the summer's burning pain.
Water clear, water bright,
Is a friend that's worth the having;
Water clear, water bright,
Serves us all from morn 'til night.
Tuna, salmon, crab and lobster,
Swim beneath the ocean blue;
Eels and seals and whales and dolphins,
Need our earth's salt water, too.
Water clear, water bright,
Is a friend that's worth the having;
Water clear, water bright,
Serves us all from morn 'til night.
Is a friend that's worth the having;
Water clear, water bright,
Serves us all from morn 'til night.
Bubbling brooks and streams and rivers,
Springs and lakes and creeks and dams,
Feed the forest and the flowers,
And the grass spread o'er the land.
Water clear, water bright,
Is a friend that's worth the having;
Water clear, water bright,
Serves us all from morn 'til night.
Little raindrops, lightly falling,
Make the old earth new again;
And the dews of early morning
Soothe the summer's burning pain.
Water clear, water bright,
Is a friend that's worth the having;
Water clear, water bright,
Serves us all from morn 'til night.
Tuna, salmon, crab and lobster,
Swim beneath the ocean blue;
Eels and seals and whales and dolphins,
Need our earth's salt water, too.
Water clear, water bright,
Is a friend that's worth the having;
Water clear, water bright,
Serves us all from morn 'til night.