Songs Starting with 'J'
Ja Da, Ja Da, Jing-a-Ling
Jack and Jill
Jack Frost
Jack Spratt
Jack, Be Nimble
- Jack-a-Nory
- Jack-O-Lantern
Jack-O-Lanterns We!
- Japanese Lullaby
- Jaybird Chant
- Jelly On My Head
- Jennie Jenkins
Jesus Loves His Little Children
Jesus Loves Me
- Jesus Loves the Little Children
Jesus loves the little children
Jesus Says To Shine
- Jesus's Lullaby
- Jesus, Our Brother, Kind and Good
- Jingle at the Window
- Jingle Bell Rock
Jingle Bells
John Brown's Baby
- John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
John Peel
- Johnny Appleseed
- Johnny Rebeck
- Johnny Works with One Hammer
Jolly Old Saint Nicholas
Jolly Snowman
Joy to the World
- Joyful Christmas
- Joys Seven
- Judy and David's Lullaby
July the Fourth
Just When I Need Him Most