It's Halloween
Words and Music By: Mrs. E. Robb
Words and Music Adapted By: Terry Kluytmans
Copyright © 1999

(The "Shhhhhhh!" part below
should be whispered, not sung.)
It's Hallowe'en,
The lamp is lit,
And 'round the fire
Is where we sit,
A-telling ghost tales
Bit by bit,
'Til somebody says "Shhhhhhh!"
What's that a-peeping
'Round the kitchen door?
What's that a-creeping
'Cross the bedroom floor?
What's that a-sweeping
Down the corridor?
Oooooh! It's a ghost!
We will not go
To bed 'til morn,
We're drinking cocoa,
Popping corn,
And laughing 'til our
Sides are torn,
'Til somebody says "Shhhhhhh!"
What's that a-peeping
'Round the kitchen door?
What's that a-creeping
'Cross the bedroom floor?
What's that a-sweeping
Down the corridor?
Oooooh! It's a ghost!
The doorbell rings,
A witch I see,
And with her, black cats,
One, two, three,
And one of them says
"Boo!" to me,
'Til somebody says "Shhhhhhh!"
What's that a-peeping
'Round the kitchen door?
What's that a-creeping
'Cross the bedroom floor?
What's that a-sweeping
Down the corridor?
Oooooh! It's a ghost!